A somehow deeply moving story and quirky personality make this game the best $20 you'll ever spend on a game.

User Rating: 8.9 | Darwinia PC
When I first saw the screenshots for Darwinia, I was very skeptical. It seemed it would be doomed to the same fate of mediocre reviews as countless other budget titles. Then, the reviews came pouring in; not one of them a negative one. The critics loved the game. Apparently, it was worth my $20.

They couldn't have been more right. From the moment the loading screen appears you are fully immersed in what can only be called the "Darwinia personality." I've seen several different start up screens for Darwinia; some were even interactive.

However, it is not just the personality of the game, which is magnificently complemented by the graphics and text, that makes it a classic. The gameplay is possibly the most addicting I've played in some time. The premise is simple: a virus has overrun the virtual world of Darwinia, and the population of Darwinians is fading. Your task is to save them. Fighting the virus is quite arcade-like, though in a good way. It's been quite some time since I last played a game where zapping bad guys was so much fun.

Aside from the addictive gameplay is a story that I never thought I could get attached to. The pieces of the puzzle slowly fall into place as the levels unfold, revealing the true nature as to how the virus got in. The story is quirky, funny, moving, but still well pieced together. I never thought I'd feel so much emotion for tiny green stick men.

If there are any downfalls to the game, it would be it's length. The game is quite short. However, that's to be expected from a $20 title. It definitely left me wanting more. And, after hours of virus slaying, the motions can get slightly repetitious, making the game a victim of it's own addictive gameplay in some ways.

All in all, Darwinia is a truly fun, moving, and unique game. It is a gaming experience you've never experienced, and for $20, it's one you certainly won't want to miss.