I absolutely hated this game.

User Rating: 4.5 | Darkspore PC
It's been awhile since I've played a game this boring. It starts off with a great premise that's somewhat interesting but only goes sharply downhill from there.

Let's get one thing straight from the get-go: this game is absolutely nothing like Spore, with the exception of the character outfit modification tool. If you liked Spore, don't pick up Darkspore because of a perceived gimmicky connection.

This is a very standard MMO, the kind you've played a hundred times and might have been fun if it was released eight years ago. It has a few gimmicks thrown in to add the illusion of enjoyment, but no matter how nice it looks or how much you can customize the stuff you put on your characters, running around levels mindlessly spamming attacks is boring. Think grinding in WoW without even the sense of purpose or advancement.

You pick up newer, better stuff, but it's entirely unsatisfying. The combat looks nice, but it's simple enough that you could teach a kindergarten student to play on a professional level. It's unsatisfying and just not fun.

If you're looking for something cheap to kill time, then wait for this junk to hit the bargain bin before buying.