A great addition to the DAOC world

User Rating: 8.8 | Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles PC
Shrouded Isles upon its release was the greatest expansion I had ever played. The new areas had something for levels 1-50 to do and added a new twist to the old DAOC lands. With this expansion also came the ROG loot system, which can suck as times but also can be outstanding...you never knew what you where going to get. The dungeons while pathing problems with pets are an issue are pretty well done and interesting to explore..even with small groups. The main thing with this expansion was it did add in some really neat loot and areas but nothing had a really huge effect on RvR (outside of the classes added). You didnt have to have SI to compete in RvR, but it was a nice bonus to have it.