The game that did break the mold

User Rating: 9.4 | Darius Twin SNES
in most arcades around the 1990's you'll find a bunch of knock offs of the classic shooters floating around, but will probably stray to the one that looks the prettiest or weirdest. thats exactly what Taito was thinking when they needed to out do their classic space invaders. suddenly as your wandering looking for a game to play, you see a game with mechanical fish being fought back by a lone space fighter. this catches your eye and you put the quarter in and your instantly put into the world of Darius. Darius twin was probably one of the best SNES shooters that you can own, the games difficulty is just right on normal mode (except for the last level which is a direct portal into the maw of hell itself.). you could indeed spend hours just playing and having fun, but sitting alone in the dark for 36 hours straight gets boring. so you go out, buy a second controller, invite a friend over, and take on the game with renewed vitality. the graphics (in my taste) are pretty good, usually i like games that have the look like the people actually hand drew the sprites and just scanned them in, it makes the game look more vibrant. the music is pretty good and projects itself over the sound effects enough so that you can hear both, but only in a couple of the stages was the music not as good as the other stage's tracks. in game play its your basic shoot em up, the power ups though, stay with you even if you die which is very useful. its a game that can keep you coming back but its pretty good playing with a friend helping each other, then competing as soon as a power up appears on the screen. in truth its just a strange game thats just right in the difficulty department, it provides a challenge for good players at times and gives the noobs a chance to get used to the game series. overall if you have a SNES and need a shooter, go get Darius twin you won't be sorry.