Just another endless racing game. You'd much easier find me playing RC Pro AM 2.

User Rating: 6.5 | Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat NES
Storyline: N/A

Game play: 7/10
It takes a little practice, but after a while you get the hang of it. This is the objective of the game: Race around the track against a few cars and a really fast yellow one (that's Danny) till the race is over, then you buy stuff to upgrade your car with. You then repeat the process until you finally lose which may be five races, twenty races, or fifty quatrabazillion races; or it freezes, or, as is usually the case, you get so frustrated that your TV is mysteriously broken by a controller doing mach 3.

Multi-player/Play-back: 6/10
This is one of those games that support the multi-tap, so you can play with up to 4 people. That doesn't occur often in an NES game.

Secrets/Unlockables: N/A

Graphics: 7/10
For the time, the graphics are OK. Only your pit crew working on your car looks like monkeys in a war party. Other than that and the strange driving faces, it looks pretty good.

Sound: 6/10
The music isn't all that memorable, but the sound of cars being set ablaze is music to my ears.

As with other NES racers, it's endless, so it gets quite repetitive.

Total: 6.5/10

My advice: Buy it only if you're a big-time racer fan. It's really not my style.