Over the top fun multiplayer, yet very hard to get it down!

User Rating: 9.6 | Dancing Stage Unleashed XBOX
Unlike probably all of my friends, I've very coordinated when it comes to this game, many of them try and fail, yet there's a select few that manage to pull it off. I liked this game VERY much. -Gameplay: Very hard to get down the fast ones, and it's not something someone with extreme excperience could just breeze right through. You have to work at one song, until you get it down pat, and then move on. I found myself going from the main game mode, to practice, just to practice on one song to get an "A" or "B" rating, lol. -Graphics: Nothing special, the dancers in the back were alright, but I didn't really pay attention to them, but the arrows were neatly done. -Sound: AWESOME soundtrack, I loved it so much! So many good songs, and it sounds like there were some remixes, and I loved those also! -Value: This game is valueable to me, so I'd give it a nice 8. -Reviewer's Tilt: I liked this game very much, and it's a blast to play (noticing that I'm not even CLOSE to finishing it!) -Overall Rating: 9.6 Superb