A great idea with terrible execution causes this game to be dead on arrival.

User Rating: 3 | Damnation X360
Overall: 3
Poor story, terrible dialogue, and basic enemies, and poor execution of a great idea makes this game a huge failure.

Presentation: 3
Parts that should have moved didn't, enemies that were nothing more than basic skeletal structures, and the same landscape and buildings over and over made what should have been an intruiging and interactive landscape rather poor. Sounds were tinny and the voice acting was awful. Everything about this game screams unfinished. Assassin's Creed with guns this game is not.

Gameplay: 4
I don't even know where to begin. The lack of a cover system, sloppy vehicle controls, and the inability to aim while on a vehicle despite being given the option causes untold frustration. The climbing system for the most part is spot on, thankfully, as nearly 80% of the game involves climbing with no other activity, combat or otherwise. You have the option to aim while on a vehicle but you're restricted to your pistol that does far too little damage to be worth while for the speed and lack of controls that the vehicles provide. Your best bet is to just hop on and hop to God that whoever is driving is good at it. The one shining speck in this game is the Spirit Vision which allows you to not only see enemies but your allies as well. This works wonderfully seeing as how when you're in Spirit Vision you're able to revive your downed allies. If you play the game solo and you fall your AI partners will not return the favor and their assistance in battles leaves much to be desired. This game is, for all purposes, a co-op game. In co-op the game is incredibly easy and aside from a few mistakes or falling from cliffs you should never die. In single player you'll be lucky to move through a level without numerous deaths.

Replayability: 2
This game has three difficulties but "Hard" is locked. The lack of interest, plot, motivation, basically the lack of a game, prevents any desire to ever play the game again especially on a harder difficulty. With someone at your side in co-op you shouldn't have a problem completing the game on normal difficulty and you'll be thankful when you get to the end.

Story: 2
Poor dialogue, poor plot, generic dictator vs. rebels and all around cheesy. This game severely lacks any sort of desire to watch those wretched cut scenes. Half way through my co-op partner and I just started skipping them so we didn't have to suffer through.

Multiplayer: 5
Unfortunately, the multiplayer is already dead several days after the game launched. It was hard getting 8 people to play and there were only one or two matches at all. Some of the gameplay is fun, albiet very generic. This game was obviously intended to be a multiplayer game with half of the achievements set as multiplayer but with a game that sloppy no one's going to bite. CoD and GoW are going to keep this MP a DOA.