Dalmatians 3/10

User Rating: 3 | Dalmatians 3 PS2

Dalmatians 3 had the potential to be a decent game, but there comes the overweighting capsize of its overall execution. It's a game whose story bores even the youngest of gamers, consisting of abysmally animated dogs trying to prank a cat. What's even worse is that its gameplay was nothing memorable or even remotely engaging, followed by a 40 or so minute hilariously shoddy animation.

For the most part, Dalmatians 3 follows the tradition of a futile cartoon that is dragged down by its unending cutscene, or episode, if you will. It's dull, confusing, and nearly every scene is broken through missing audio, or hilariously shoddy animations. For the parts you're not forced to watch the wretched cutscene, you're introduced to its gameplay. Nothing more than six little minigames that doesn't even need to be made as a game in the first place.

To be fair, Dalmatians 3 tries to make the story even remotely interesting, but it doesn't work. The setup leading up to the main story is nothing more than a sheer attempt at comedy. The characters are forgettable, the voice acting is horrendous, and the animation prevents the story to rise above passability.

Dalmatians 3's audio is completely broken. There were countless moments where audio would simply fall apart and disappear. Voice acting would not be heard, silence would materialise and the atrocious syncing. For a game of 2006, it doesn't seem it should have even passed testing, and yet somehow it was released.

As a result, these faults avert Dalmatians 3 from being a decent game. There are no, or little, competent moments of the game, and everything about the game is simply mediocre and forgettable. Dalmatians 3 is a horrid game and a disappointment for the gaming year of 2006. You're going to beg for everything to stop once you boot up the game.