And I thought the launch of Anthem was bad.... biggest disappointment in 20yrs of gaming

User Rating: 6 | Cyberpunk 2077 PS4

There is so much broken and wrong with this game, I'm honestly dumbfounded this was created by CDPR. I take issue with the gamers and gaming sites that give Cyberpunk glowing "9" review. You are rating a game that doesn't exist yet. Ignoring so many bugs and glitches because "they'll fix it with a patch" ignores the fact that this was in no way ready to launch and once again millions of gamers were bilked and paid full price to get a completely broken game that has caused many to return it, including myself. I was pretty confident that CDPR wasn't going to fall into that EA-trap of "we'll just release this anyway and let gamers find the bugs for us." The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was a massive open world RPG masterpiece that had no bugs, mind blowing graphics, engaging story and relevant side quests that had you wanting and almost needing to complete them all and explore everything. I have no clue what went wrong with Cyberpunk... too many cooks in the kitchen perhaps.

1) Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs: The very first bug I saw was literally 3 minutes into the opening scene in a bar where my characters image in a mirror, which was fine for the first 2.5 minutes, suddenly wasn't there, just a blur. If you can't manage to fix a glaring bug right when the game starts... I mean... come ON.

2) Performance: Anthem was a complete disaster but at least there was no issue with performance on the PS4. Cyberpunk's performance issues were so glaring from the opening scene I'm wondering what exactly did CDPR do those 3x they delayed the game where their explanation was "we're taking more time to fix all the bugs to give our customers a perfect gaming experience." How could you not make sure this was going to render ok on last-gen consoles knowing the vast majority of people would be playing on? Performance was consistently so bad there were delays in the main drop down menus actually dropping down. It took me 45 min to realize this was a bug... and extremely annoying. I've never seen worse performance of any game on any console ever.

3) 3 different character paths quickly end up ALL BEING EXACTLY THE SAME after the initial story for each character is presented. How lazy can you guys be? This in no way has me wanting to play on each different character. Why should I replay essentially the same story arc 3 times? This makes the replay-ability plummet.

4) From what everyone has reported, the huge majority of side quests end up having nothing to do with, nor change, enhance or further the main story arc. One of the many brilliant things about Witcher 3 was the enormous amount of side quests... I stopped counting at 150... where almost every single one had something to do with the main story or enhanced it, making me continually want to locate and play every single side quest. Apparently the majority of side quests in Cyberpunk seem to be filler that only give the player more coin to spend... which I also hear is in desperately low supply which players desperately need to "buy" so many ridiculously expensive items.

5) Far too much time was given to create a ridiculously detailed environment everywhere you look, instead of actually FIXING THE DAMN GAME and making it PLAYABLE. Everywhere you look there are items/stuff in the world, mirroring the real world: broken bottles in an alley, cockroaches here and there, tiny little bugs, discarded underwear, etc. The detail is truly mindblowing but after only a couple hours, I didn't give a damn about looking around and all that "stuff" didn't enhance the game or atmosphere at all... it was just wasted time and energy by the developers. The Witcher 3 had the same amazing detail down to little bugs floating in the air when the sun shone... but because W3 was such a perfect game and had me looking under every rock and in every crevice to find new items and quests, the detail actually enhanced the game. If I have no desire to find and play all the pointless side quests in Cyberpunk, why would I care about detail? CDPR should have taken some of that time to actually give us a PLAYABLE ENGAGING game.

There are more issues I found but I think my point is made. After Anthem I swore I would never pre-order any game, ever again (except for Sony Studios titles like God of War and Spiderman.) We've been screwed so many times with disasters like Cyberpunk and Anthem I think gamers are numb to this sh*t. I implore all gamers to punish developers who put out garbage like these, return the games and refuse to play them until we're actually given mostly complete and playable games upon release. Thank jeebus I bought Cyberpunk on Amazon... they'll easily take it back. It's in the mail back to them today.