It's the Princess Maker's semi-retarded clone!! Yay!!

User Rating: 1.6 | Cute Knight PC
It seems the team at Hanako Games liked the 'Princess Maker' series so much that they just HAD to make a "similar" game of their own.

All well and good. A nice homage game can be a refreshing and fun experience.

Except in this case the result is a cheap, shallow replica with no ambition of it's own. Almost every facet of the PM games is copied, only badly. The amateur-ish graphics are laughable. The looping music and squeaky sounds effects are quickly annoying and the dungeon quests were seemingly designed by a six year old.

If you are enticed by the general idea of the game I recommend you try out Princess Maker 2 instead. You'll thank me later.

And to all true PM fans: STAY AWAY!!