Pretty much the same as before but with 3D graphics

User Rating: 8 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: 3 Dimensions of Murder PC
Lets face it , the CSI games series has really only been for the fans.
For serious adventure/puzzle/detective gamers its just far too easy.

As a fan of the tv series it was definately fun to play. Apart from a slightly modified menu system for collecting evidence the gameplay is pretty much the same. The major overhaul has been the graphics which doesn't look too bad
now that its in 3D. I dont know but to me it feels like a real game now.

Its still far too easy and for most ardent fans should take a single sitting to complete. The characters that are usually suspects are made to be pretty easy to dislike that it really gives you quite a good feeling to solve a case and
see the fruits of your intuition and detective work, that is, if you are playing
with no help aids.

A solid game, a few bugs here and there but nothing that detracts from the gameplay and amust have for any CSI fan.