Crysis has grown consistently more "meh" with each release, but still solid compared to nothing.

User Rating: 7 | Crysis 3 PC
* Graphics--As you would expect, the game is beautiful; specifically the level design. This is CryEngine at its finest, but it requires a super machine to run how its supposed to look.
* Plenty of impressive sci-fi elements like the interiors of buildings, remote hacks, and the VTOLs.
* Gun customization--it was impressive how I could go from a long-scoped, single-shot, silenced weapon to an assault rifle with a reflex scope, all with the same gun.
* Scouting a place from stealth, forming a plan, and executing it is is still fun (though not as fun as Crysis 1 or 2)

* Enemies love running in front of gunfire in this game. I felt challenged for about 22 seconds of the final boss-fight, and that was the only time this game was remotely difficult.
* Plays like Crysis 2.5, meaning there wasn't enough variation in what was happening to make me feel like it was a true sequel. Most of it was been there, done that.
* What was the purpose of putting vehicles in this game if they are going to be so crappily done? The dune-buggy mission was a simple "press W until you get there" scene, and I remember riding in a tank for about 13 seconds before it got set on fire by unreachable enemies.