Totally boring

User Rating: 4 | Crysis 3 X360

I thought Crysis was decent. Cool story and great level design and with a new graphics engine that blew everything else away at the time of release. Although repetetive at times it was some next level stuff of the FPS genre.

Crysis 2 was fun as well. Probably my favorite of them all, despite hardcore PC gamers hated it because it was so dumbed down for console. But as a console fan as well, loved it.

Crysis 3 on the other hand is missing a great deal of the core gameplay the other 2 had. I played it at launch, but i remember barely ANYTHING from it. So i got it again, 5 years later and i can see why. If PC gamers thought Crysis 2 was dumbed down, you will totally understand what they mean. The story is uninteresting. level design is dull as dishwater and combat feels negatively different this time round. In the end i just tried to skip most of the combat. But hell yeah it is still pretty..

Pretty much the same weaponry with a few new added ones. The bow is cool but still, boring to use. There is little to collect or feels worthy collecting too rendering levels such a waste.

Many areas you feel lacking any action, some levels you can wander around waypoint to waypoint with nothing but story progression and the blah blah jabbering from your team mates. There is so much waste of space on each level that i don´t get what the developers intended to do with it.

I never got why Prophet returned, He blew his brains out in the beginning og Crysis 2 and now you play him again. Give me Alcatraz, at least he shut his trap and did not shoot the breeze ONCE.

The Seph enemy you fight feels wooden and uninteresting because of a dumber AI this time round.

Crytek, they made some good showcases, but can only manage to make a half-decent game in the end. All their games they released was brilliant, but eventually they fail to keep the tensity and flow of gamplay interesting half way through it. This game is the same, but falls apart very early on in the story.

A travesty..