This game has not held up well.

User Rating: 3 | Cruis'n USA N64
Then again, this game did not have much to hold up in the first place. This review could also be titled, "how nostalgia led me to waste 20 minutes of my life".

This game features twelve races from across the USA, which can be played by themselves, or in a tour mode known as "Cruise the USA". You may choose from one of four cars, each with different acceleration and top speed. It's Ricky Bobby rules: "You're first, or you're last!" You must win each race before you can continue on your tour. There are no shortcuts or power-ups to be had, so just stay on the road and avoid traffic to win.

Each race is supposed to represent a city, state, or national park. They are crudely represented, largely due to the graphics. The graphics for this game were not that good back when it was released. Now, it looks downright terrible. Everything is either flat or looks like an oddly shaped box. Luckily, your female companion is there to tell you where you are: "Wow, San Francisco!"

You can upgrade your car multiple times by winning the "Cruise the USA" mode. You can also earn new cars, including a police car and school bus. This is supposed to provide replay value, but then you would have to play the game again, and that would just be painful.

Of course, I should probably let it go. After all, it is a weak 1996 port of a 1994 arcade game. The only reason anyone would play this is nostalgia, but sadly, even that does not redeem this. Leave this one be and find an arcade racing game worth playing.