Could be brilliant but the batting controls require such absurd feats of finger-gymnastics for it to be barely playable.

User Rating: 5 | Cricket Revolution PC
This is a very difficult game to comment on because all of the elements but one are absolutely superb, it is by at least the equal of anything EA or Codemasters have come up with in terms of gameplay, graphics, concept, etc. The multiplayer cricket game idea with stats tracking, leagues etc is a wonderful idea.

Everything about the game is pretty much spot-on and it would be a 9 or a 10 apart from one thing: the batting control system.

Whatever possessed the developers to make the batting so complicated is beyond me, no joypad support means that you are forced to use the keyboard, which in itself is not a problem but as most of the shots require absurd feats of finger-gymnastics it rapidly becomes a problem - paticularly when the same button does more than one vitally important thing. Consequently the game doesn't work - the online tracking system is full of 20 and 30 all out games because batting is just so difficult.

This game would be so easy to fix, they just need to either slightly simplify the batting controls or just separate out every single control so you can set one button to each one. It is a shame that the batting controls are so bad - the bowling ones aren't - because this could be the finest cricket game ever.

Hopefully the developers will realise where the problem lies and fix it.