nice game ... they have come up with a better game than cricket 2004...really good with a few glitches

User Rating: 8.8 | Cricket 2005 PC
good game nice commentary
it is an addictive game when played multiplayer
this game has been developed a lot ...lot of glitches have been removed but still there r many which r still there

the gameplay is really nice and innovative...
it is more realistic than the older version of the game

moreover they have improved the graphics a lot
look at the australian team they look as if we r really watching a real game

but still no look alikes for indian team and more frustrating is that sachin tendulkar who is rated the best in the game commentary itself has been shown with a moustache... what a blunder...

one thing the game developers should do is to make a season out of a single team like the improve by winning and earning points on experience....

good ballin system too ...not that old freaky ball bounce pointer that used to go mad

the sound is good and i think it is not that improved since the last game

the game develpors should now include HAWK EYE and DARK FISH too.. that will make it more enjoying

let us see what cricket 2006 has in store for us.....

but if they go with the same rate of development like from 2004 to 2005... we can expect a great game