
User Rating: 10 | Crayon Shin-Chan: Arashi o Yobu Enji GEN
awesome games drawing and stuff shin chan that guy with the big head truly awesome buy it if its still around thats the end of my review i wud write more if i still had the game but i dont so hahaha watcha gona do about it huh watcha gona do. bad boys bad boys watcha gona do watcha gona do when they come for u hahaha naa just kiddin that there concludes my review which wasnt very helpful i kno but i will hunt u down hahahaha naa im just kiddin u kno that i know that we all kno that now stop readdin from wait wait wait wait now nope joke stop reading after 2 hours okay? no again im kiddin but seriously stop reading from here or im gona sue u naa just kiddin