Crash's debut to the next generation of consoles is a pretty decent addition. Far from perfect, but not bad either.

User Rating: 6.5 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex was the first Crash game to be introduced to, at the time, the new generation of consoles. At it's core, it's not too different from the previous titles. Overall, it is a pretty decent game, but feels somewhat lacking. I can't put my finger on it.

The story goes that Uka Uka has unleashed the four Elementals; Witch Doctor Masks which can control elements. Cortex has also created a big muscley bandicoot called Crunch. The two get Crunch to harness the power of the Elementals to crush Crash for good. And so he runs off to collect the crystals

The game play is more or less the same as that of Crash 2 and 3. You go through the linear levels jumping over pits and spinning enemies whilst smashing up crates and collecting Wumpa Fruits. The aim of the levels is to collect the power crystal. Some of the levels have specific gimmicks to help separate them. In some Crash is in a Hamster Ball like thing and you get to roll down hills. One level has you strapped to a helicopter pack so you can fly around. Another has you scootering away from a tidal wave. Some levels have you play as Coco who has some different abilities.

You can also collect gems in the same was as before. Some you can collect by destroying every box in a stage, others you can get from Death Routes which require you to get so far through the stage without dieing and you then have to go through the hard death routes to claim you prize. The coloured gems return and these open up gem routes where you can get even more gems. Upon replaying a level you can attempt a time trail challenge where you have to finish the stage as fast as you can, hitting yellow boxes to freeze the clock. if you're fast enough you'll be awarded a relic.

You will be able to challenge a boss after completing all five levels in an area. They all have specific gimmicks. They're not hard as such, but they are annoying sometimes. For completing them, Crash will gain a new ability such as a double jump or Wumpa Fruit Bazooka

I can't put my finger on it, but the game does feel quite lacking and does seem to get boring very quickly. It is a decent game, but it just doesn't grab me for some reason. I quite enjoyed the other old PS1 games, so I don't understand why I have lower opinions on this one. Don't get me wrong it is decent.

Graphically, it was great seeing Crash in higher quality 3D for the first time. Aside from that, the game does also have some pretty nice effects such as the water. The music is okay - it just happens to be there I don't think too much of it either way.

Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex, is a petty decent game, however it does quickly become boring. If you loved old school Crash go buy it, other's; see if you can borrow or rent it. I did enjoy this game overall. It has some good variety in levels. A decent addition to the series and is certainly better than some of the other Crash games out there

Milesprower2K9 Original Reviews