the ps1 crash games are way better

User Rating: 6.5 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2
after the succes of naughty dog's crash bandicoot trilogy naughty dog started creating jak & daxter for the ps2 and TT thought they could make crash's first next gen game but it was the dead of crash.

everything from the old crash game returns ecsept everything is worse, the controls suck the graphics suck and the game is not fun, it really misses some naughty dog power, only the music is great but if you wanna play crash and you have a playstation system buy crash 1,2 or 3 because there so great and this game is nothing compared to them.

yeah TT really had it wrong whit this one luckly they stoped making crash after crash: twin sanaty and start making the awesome LEGO star wars games anyway if you like the ps1 crash games there is a chance that you dont like this game its just not that fun.