What good is Coco?

User Rating: 7 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2
This is my first Crash game and I play this with my 10-year old girl. I can't compare it with other Crash games but there are some issues that I have with this installment. First and foremost...why is Coco a playable character? She is the worst character I've played. There is nothing redeeming about her. The only void she fills is someone's need to put a female as a playable character in the game. So whoever's bright idea was to add her, thanks for nothing. I mean literally nothing. Coco can't do squat and is unbearably painful to play. Each level we come to that she bumps Crash out of the mind numbingly long loading screens, I cringe. Please stop putting in insipid characters just to fill some P.C. person's need for input. You're doing everyone a dis-service. Next thing you know, Coco will be the main character for the next MGS game. As mentioned above, the load times are painful. No getting around this one and it's pretty self explanatory. Long load times = bored gamers. Has no one figured this equation out yet? Other than the above mentioned problems, I enjoy the game and the special levels. The fact that you have to do more than just get through the levels adds to the game's playability.