It's Crash! Again! ......hooray.

User Rating: 6.5 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2
This is going to be short and sweet folks. Have you played a Crash game before? Did you like it? Then you'll like this one enough.

Have you played a Crash game before? Did you hate it? Then you'll hate this one enough.

Simply put, the game is fairly mediocre. I mean, it's just more of the same crash levels and characters recycled with hardly anything new added...other than a bizarro Crash character named Crunch. Ugh.

This game was obviously just spit out the door to make a few bucks, and while I can't blame anyone for wanting to make money...I can accuse them of making a game that isn't exactly memorable to say the least.

It's another crash game. It's gots the same old types of levels. It's gots the same old types of charcters. It's gots the same old types of bosses. It's gots the same old types of gampley. That's all aI have to say. Now leave me alone.