A Fun Game, With OBSCENELY LONG Load Times

User Rating: 6.2 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2
This game plays much like the other Crash Games. It is a fun platformer with some fun gameplay and a new story. I like most of the Crash games and this one looks very pretty. The sound is nothing special but it suffices. The Gameplay is fast and very fun. The game offers you a decent enough bang for your buck now at only 20 bucks. So "Why the low score?" you may ask. Simple, The load times are OBSCENELY LONG!!! Really, the game can take like 2 full minutes to load. The Load Times are also as common as they are long. I'm just kidding, nothing is that common, but still, they are fairly common, especially scince you often have to watch a load screen, listen to someone talk for 5 to 10 seconds, then sit through another ridiculously long load screen. If you lose all your lives, you'll sit through a load screen. When you finish a level, you'll sit through a load screen. The VERY LONG LOAD SCREENS take so much time and make the game feel boring. Please, do yourself a favor, and sacrifice the graphics, go and buy a used copy of Crash 3: Warped, and save yourself the load screens.