
User Rating: 4.6 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex GC
I USED to love Crash When he was on the PSX they had awsome games like 1-3 were awsome. CTR was good Once Crash Bash came out though It started to go down hill probably cause Naughty Dog Handed this series over Viacom to work on Jak Which was a good game.

Gameplay:Meh same as always doesnt change it does change perspective sometimes but eh its No big deal.

Graphics: the graphics are actually pretty good probably the only good thing about this game though.

Sound: Not great the only good thing is the Music, the sounds and all arent too good.

Value: Once you beat the game there isnt much to do, if you missed the gems and relics you can go back and get those but once you get those theres nothing to do.

Tilt: like i said i like Crash Bandicoot but After Crash Bash these games downhill. Skip this game and play something else like if you Have a PSX Play the original.