That's more like it.

User Rating: 8 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (PlayStation the Best for Family) PS
The first Crash Bandicoot game was fun, but it had it's flaws. It was hard, it didn't look that great, and it was obviously ripped off from a bunch of different, popular sources. It was kind of like The Monkees being obviously ripped off from The enjoyed Davy Jones, but you knew he was a phony...and therefor not as cute as everyone would have you believe. This sequel to the game still uses all of that stuff it ripped off, but adds so much more and gives it such a quality that you don't care what it was ripped off of. It was kind of like enjoying the Monkees despite Peter Tork.....okay, I've apparently forgotten what audience I'm talking to here.

Cortex Strikes back does everything twice as good as the original Bandicoot game. It's a lot better looking. The levels are WAY sexier. Crash has new and better moves. The villains and boss fights are more enjoyable. And above all else, it's steps up the humor.

Crash is funny, but Neo Cortex is even funnier. Where he was just some generic bad guy last time...this time he's comedy gold! And there is a certain charm here that was somehow missing from the last game. You get to ride a cute baby polar bear for hell's sake....while his mother tries to chase you down and eat you!

And this time you're doing more than just going through levels on the way to defeat Dr. Neo. This time you've been duped into doing his dirty work by collecting crystals. This actually adds a another level of depth and complexity to the game. A much needed addition to keep it from being too flat and repetitive. So not only do you need to run through these great levels, but you have to sometimes double back to find crystals while you're at it. It's amazing how much this actually adds to the game.

So if you enjoyed the original game....You will absolutely love this sequel. Even if you hated the original game....You will absolutely love this sequel. And if you thought Mike Nesmith was cooler than Micky would be wrong.
Go look it up kids. You'll be amazed at how pathetic the world is.