User Rating: 4.5 | Counter Strike XBOX
As I have read other reviews, how could Gamespot NOT compare it to it's PC counterpart, seriously. If you've played the PC version since early beta you know what I mean. You can't just pretend that you never played CS for PC all those years! Anyway, to focus on the XBox version itself I have summed it up into one word: Boring. Yes, repeating the same thing each round gets old. You buy your weapons, pull out your knife to run faster and either decide to brawl in the middle point of the map or camp until everyone on your team dies or the other team dies. Same as PC. Just as boring. Yes, I used to love this game so much, play hours on end. I loved that old feeling of suspense. It just got old, like watching the same movie over and over. I don't know about you but I got tired of CS long ago and moved on to other games. Of course I've tried the new versions of CS (new models, maps, sounds, etc) but it was never as fun as beta. In beta some of the maps were pretty wicked and sweet, but through the long proccess of updating most of those maps have "disappeared" for new ones that don't even compare. If you've never played Counter-Strike you might want to check it out, but after years of the PC version there isn't much left for me to play it. Overall the Xbox version is a very nice port but I can't really get into it much.