CSGO is a CSS mod. There aren't enough improvements to make this game worth your time. Good thing the price tag was low.

User Rating: 7 | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive PC
If you've played CSS then you've played CSGO. The new features in CSGO aren't impressive enough to really consider it an entirely new game. Most of what the creators have added to this game have already been done my CS1.6 modders.

The new weapons aren't that impressive. They still haven't made a feature where you can aim down-sight with your irons, so your dumb character is still hip-firing like an Al Qaeda Noob.

The game runs on the same Source engine, so the graphics are only improved via textures and a few new polygons on the models. Same Stuff Different Day.

I'm not too impressed, so I'm glad I didn't dish out more than $20. I sure hope to see FREE DLC for this game that gives us more to enjoy. I would at least like more maps and weapons.

This game doesn't feel as good as CS1.6, but it's better than CSS. That's not a compliment, though... because every other kill I get is a head shot.

The game is playable... and thankfully it's nothing like COD.