Excellent game, improved upon all the shortcomings of the original while maintaining the atmosphere

User Rating: 9.5 | Condemned 2 X360
Excellent game overall. I have not completed it, but would recommend it to any Xbox 360 or PS3 owner. It retains the creepy atmosphere of the original while increasing the pace a little. Firearms are more available but still scarce, and the developers have basically mastered the art of first person melee combat. Bludgeoning thugs with 2x4s has never been this fun. The game is incredibly atmospheric and will keep you at the edge of your seat. Levels can be a bit too dark at times, but nothing that detracts from the gameplay. The art style and level design is great, and the technology behind the graphics engine is good as well. One negative I found early on is that the frame rate dips from time to time, nothing that affects gameplay but worth noting. Sound is excellent, be sure to play it in a dark room with the sound turned up, and enjoy!