If you enjoy beating someone to death with a prosthetic arm or take pleasure in crushing a head in a vice then play on!

User Rating: 9.5 | Condemned 2 PS3
Every once in awhile a game comes along that truly sets itself apart from the ordinary and the expected. Condemned 2: Bloodshot is exactly this type of game.

As a female gamer, I enjoy first person shooters but also enjoy melee combat; a combat that is not consistently present in the first person action genre. Imagine my surprise at stumbling upon this gem.

Everything in your environment is at your disposal. Want to beat an enemy with just your fists? Go for it. The combat system is superb with a seemingly endless choice of combat tactics and combos to make them scream, bleed, writhe in pain and die in the grisliest of fashions.

If you prefer using objects to smash someone's face in, you will not find a lack of creative and available options. From exploding dolls to prosthetic arms to bowling balls to gumball machines, virtually anything in your environment is available to use as a weapon; creating a unique spin on the melee combat genre.

If that isn't satisfying enough for you then you can also use your surrounding environment to kill enemies: smash their heads into the wall, watch their brains splatter when you crush their head in a vice, light them on fire, throw them through a television or off of a 20 story building. The choice is always yours.

Guns are scarce and ammo is rare in this game but it works out nicely. Combat is always close quarters, making the use of a weapon impractical in most scenarios.

Add to the grisly fight scenes a unique evidence collection system using a variety of forensic tools that forces you to use logic and observation to unravel the mystery of what forces are at work around you. How well you do with the missions objectives, combat, evidence collection and optional tasks determines your scoring at the end of each mission and what type and level of upgrade you will receive. Go for the gold!!

Once the game is over the action does not stop there. There is a Bloodshot Fight Club that offers additional single player challenges as well as a multiplayer option that lets you test your combat skills against other players from around the world or your roommate with a console of his/her own.

If you love getting your hands dirty and enjoy gritty gruesome action, frightening creatures, brutal enemies and supernatural undertones then do not pass this game up. It has quickly become one of my favorites and I look anxiously forward to Condemned 3.

Go on...get your fists and weapons bloody. I promise you, it is an insane journey that will satisfy everyone that likes to get up close and bloody personal.