This defines CLASSIC

User Rating: 8 | Commando C64
the c64's champion game was this game Commando. A simple scrolling combat game that forced you upwards into the fighting against scripted bots running at you from the usual places, jumping from cliffs commando rolling while shooting, running in swarms from bunkers and HQ buildings, sniping you from windows, throwing grenades so very high and in the most impossible arcs. All the while white bullets float across the screen at a remarkable pace towards you...the lone Commando.

I must have played this 1000 times beore i memorized the entire game, all teh spawn locations and where to stand to avoid incoming grenades and bullets. I played this through and through so many times that i had a commando stance in my chair, with my foot on the space bar to throw grenades.

Simple graphics with about 12 colors including white and black, simple gameplay but with a difficulty that would rival many games out today. Infact I played this recently and my reflexes are not that of a 9 year old anymore so I found it near to impossible to play. I know of 1 other person that has played this and he is hungarian so i guess you could call this game universal and well known, a classic game that many found to be the best type of combat in a game during its lifetime.

If you get yourself a c64 emulator then play this game and see how you do. Don't bother with a real C64, the load times are just not worth it and it would suprise me if you found a cassette of this game still in existence.