Even 14 years later - This is an amazing game.

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer (EA Classics) PC
When I got my first Windows 95 computer, one of the two games to come with that computer was Command & Conquer. Not knowing what kind of game it was, I went in with skepticism. I lost 15 hours of my young life that night. The story hooked me in, but the gameplay strapped me down and held me captive. I knew that CNC was something special.

So, 14 years later, how does this seminal entry into the RTS genre hold up? Well. Very well. Surprisingly well. It's been over 7 years since I've played this game, but going back in the nostalgia flooded back. That wasn't the only thing that flooded back- so did the fun and the addiction. Sure, it may seem primitive and simple compared to many modern RTS games, the graphics make look like they were drawn with the pencil tool in MS Paint and the videos may seem grainy and hard to make out these days, but at the end, the gameplay is just as fun and satisfying as ever. It still has a fast pace, an intriguing story and brilliant mission design. The music is catchy and only adds more adrenaline as you play.

The game is very fast paced- its all about keeping the pace. It forces you to work as quickly as possible on creating units and your base, but if you don't have an army ASAP - You will be toast, in many cases quite literally thanks to explosive and dangerous weapons like the infamous flame tank, a toy that any general wants their hands on, but never wants to face. This often means that you will be working on your base while a battle is going on. Don't think all missions revolve around base defense and management- some of the most clever missions wont have a base at all. Some missions are put to a clock, others give you a handful of units to complete the mission, and if they die.. you are doomed, which forces you to examine your surroundings before sending in your squad - or in some cases - your lone trooper.

The biggest complaint about this game now a days is the fact that the two factions aren't that distinct, especially when compared to later entries in the series. Sure, the buildings are different in look and there are a few faction specific toys - like the Nod flame tank and the GDI Mammoth, but in the end many of the units are the same and the factions play out essentially the same. I guess on the plus side, this means the game is extremely well balanced.

The learning curve isn't very steep, anyone who isn't blind will instantly be able to learn how to play the game within the first 5 seconds of the game. That doesn't mean the game itself is easy though, it will throw many a challenge at you and there will even be times where you might get frustrated. However, this keeps you going. The challenges are doled out perfectly, making it an easy game to play but a tough one to master and it's always satisfying when you overcome a big obstacle.

Even after all these years, Command & Conquer is still a fun game. The game was revolutionary for the genre, and almost every RTS game to come out since has something to owe to Command & Conquer.

This is a classic, and if you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favour and download the game- it's now free from EA.