Changed the history of gaming forever!

User Rating: 9.6 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert (EA Classics) PC
This game is a big change from Command and Conquer. It has a ton of addons from the last but a whole line of changes.

First is obviosly the graphics. They have changed drasticly from the original so that the units have more detail. As well as the ground and all other affects.

With it comes a whole new story line follow a war between the Soviet Union and the Allied. This story line will definetly keep you busy over and over again. It is a normal advance as you gain in technology and fight harder larger forces throughtout.

It has the most basic stuff like gold crystals you must collect to keep your army growing. The Refineries are the backbone of your army. Without it you will not be able to build anything.

The AI have a big improvement in their difficulty level and there advancements toward you in the skirmish level of the game. The skirmish is the main addition to the game. It lets you play a selections of maps against AI. You have a choice of fighting up to 8 AI at a time with full technology.

This game was a thrill to play and its a game to come back to again and again.