Command and Conquer,yep this is game is capable enough to conquer your machine until uninstalled .

User Rating: 9.5 | Command & Conquer: Generals PC
As a fan of the Command & Conquer series i respect the older games of the franchise but i absolutely loved this new generals game.It is different from the classic red alert series in many ways and at some point superior to it

The new 3d engine is capable of rendering gorgeous environment even on a low end machine the game looks enormous with its special effects and lighting. The models are detailed and textured properly so u can make out what's the ground and whats not the part of it.

The sound is also up to the mark,the voice overs for units is properly done and with precision but what really stand out is the sound effects of various vehicles and airplanes, the tank moving on grass sounds different when it moves on concrete.

the game has three factions USA,China and GLA.Each faction as a unique campaign which is roughly 8-9 mission each and consist of various different objectives and missions. Each faction specializes in different technique to overcome the enemy.

Like all RTS games C&C has resource collection and base building mechanism.The resource management becomes easier and relatively shallow as there are only two resources a player should bother about i.e. power and money so there is not much depth in it.

The game utilities weapons of mass destruction, each faction has its own spacial weapon capable of wiping out a whole base.

There is enough explosions in this game which can go toe to toe with any war movie you might have seen.If you want a pure battle in the modern world then perhaps this is the best RTS game that can deliver such experience.Purely best modern rts game