A good buy for the DS!

User Rating: 8.2 | Clubhouse Games DS
Clubhouse Games is a fun fun fun game. Here is my review

Gameplay: With 40 some games to choose from you'll seldomely get bored but after you do the mission and stamp mode its pretty much multi playerr that keeps the game going. In stamp mode you must do the objective and get 3 stamps do move on to the next game. In MISSION mode you have to meet the objective. There are 3 modes of mp Wi-Fi,muliti-card and download play. PLUS if you have a rumble pack u can use it. 9 out of 10

Graphics: They are colorful. Its a DS card-board-etc. game the graphics don't really matter much. But they probaly could be better i don't know.

7 out of 10

Sound: Not much here either i think there are two music modes - lounge and pop. It gets on my nerves so i just leave it off.

4 out of 10

if u like games like this buy it is a good game!

8.2 great!