Why make a Game that Base on the movie then found out the game suck soo bad,,,

User Rating: 2 | Cliffhanger SNES
Here Damonkeyattack with Another game Review for the snes game : Cliffhanger . OK i start to play the game is you get bad Quality of the pic on the Snes Game. The Game Is Base On the Movie of the game. Well it look like it was base on the movie but it still a Suck game so here is the Review.

OK let me talk About the Graphic. Well OK the Graphic is Really Bad because of the bad Quality of the begin of showing pic from the movie is very bad Quality in the game. The game is Mostly a Fighting game like Street Fighter. Mostly the game is eh not that great of a game.

Last thing i want to talk about is the Control is good but if you use the Foot Move you Lose HP so what the point, the game is very Hard Because you can get hit Easy and the attack is Very lazy onto the game. you wont get much good hit because you will die Easy. this Game is hard and a pain to play so if i was you don't put it in your collection.