Great game, but not a patch on the PC original.

User Rating: 8 | Civilization II PS
One might argue that my disappointment in this game is my own fault, having played the PC original, that person would hvae more than a fair point. But I simply wanted to compare the two, plus it held the added binus I could play it in my room without going to use the family computer. Rather than provide a stand alone review of the game, I will instead give reasons as to why it doe snot do the PC version justice.

Civilization II is an extraordinary turn-based strategy, regardless of which version one chooses to play, but I found that the PS version lacked certain quirks that went towards giving Civ II the title of "superb." Firstly, graphically this version does not come to parr. The text is rather fuzzy, after a while this can get increasingly irritating. The units are also pretty rough around the edges. Secondly, the game takes between 10 and 15 blocks per save file, this is per game, for mulitple games, you need multiple memory cards as the PS memory cards do not hold much. Thirdly, the map editor addition makes a shocking disappearence. Fourthly, the combat system is thrown aside, in exchange for one based on more random chance. Finally, the game is much easier and some of the challenge that made the game a delight on PC, is missing.

On the whole, a great game, but not a patch on the original.