From the moment you pick up the controller, you are already deeply immersed into a compelling story line.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
This sequel does its predecessor justice by including some elements of the first installment, Chrono Trigger, and creating a whole new, rich fighting system and story line that sets itself apart from the original. The battle system is like no other of its genre although it may take a little getting use to. Like Chrono Trigger, this game allows the player to choose his/her own destiny by presenting them with various decisions that affect the story line and the characters they can enlist. With 50 playable characters, a magnificent soundtrack, graphics that are beyond that of its time, an interesting assortment of side-quests, and a variety of endings, players are guaranteed to clock in 70+ hours of exhilarating game play while trying to attain all of the hidden elements. In my book, this game would make a wonderful addition to any RPG gamer's collection.