Mmm.. dark elves.

User Rating: 9.2 | Champions of Norrath PS2
I'm not usually a fan of RPGs ... but, whilst looking for a new game to buy at a discount, I snatched up Champions of Norrath and fell in love with it.

My nephew and I are both gamers, and I mostly have games that aren't great for two player, so when we got CoN, we found a game we both loved and could play together. We've beaten it twice already, and we're going on to beat it again.

I love all the character and weapon designs in this game, it makes it seem more ... I don't want to say realistic, but something in that context. Plus, the story isn't the usual crap you can get from some video games. It all makes sense ... and it's fun when you figure out something new every once in awhile. I could say I'm a "money whore" when it comes to this game. When I play this with friends, we make it a sport to see who can get to the money or items first ... more idiotic fun for everyone!

All the items in this game, and all the characters you seem to come across, like Babik, add a nice touch to the game. It sucks you in and you feel like you are actually the character you are, that or you grow closer and closer to your character.

Also, I love a game with music that gets stuck in your head, and you go around humming it. That's what CoN does to me. Like in YGO: Forbidden Memories, the songs in the background get stuck and you start "la la laaa-ing" to it and you're hooked, so you want to play more and more.

I dont really have anything bad to say about Champions of Norrath. All I can say is that this is a great two player and so on RPG game, and it's even better when you and someone else team up and play together. You can use all the help you need whilst playing this game as it gets harder and harder.
Dont let looks decieve you, and if someone tells you this game is crap ... slap their couch and find out for yourself. I know Champions of Norrath wont let you down.