Great fun! Some of the most entertaining side scrolling action I have had in years...

User Rating: 8 | Akumajou Dracula NES
The technology regarding this NES game is generally the same as the other side scrolling action platformer games in the sense that the cartridge used the MMX series 1 chip.
Enter Simon, the protagonist of the game who's goal it is to rid the country of the presence of count dracula. however many challenges lie ahead. you must traverse the many levels, floors, and cellers of dracula's fuedel age castle. a lengthy bestiary of minions, mosters, and gouls attempt to either stop or delay you from posing any threat to dracula himself. along the way you can come across and collect many useful powerups to aid you in your fight against the vampire king.
the visual graphics of the game do the system and gameplay justice, as does the sound and game logic. the game has a beyond finished feel to it, and is forgiving to those who arent used to the side scrolling game style to begin with; the difficulty of the game will become gradually harder, but not impossibley hard.
I recommend this game to those out there who wish to challenge themselves with a well made action adventure game. also, those who arent familiar with this game style will find it fun and not grueling or dragging experience...