You won't find a better Castlevania game anywhere else.

User Rating: 9.6 | Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (PSOne Books) PS
This game is absolutely perfect. I still play it almost daily. Everything is presented so beautifully and keeps you playing for hours. And Don't get me started on the Sound design. Without a doubt, one of the best game soundtracks ever. Combine that with gorgeous 2D graphics and excellent controls, you be hard pressed to find something to complain about with this Konami masterpiece. Not to mention that Alucard (The son of Dracula and the protagonist in this adventure) is by far, the awesomest Castlevania Hero PERIOD.

If you haven't played this yet, I suggest picking this game up right this instant (if you can afford it of course.) Odds are it's pretty rare, and might go for about $30 for a used copy. Nevertheless, it's worth every penny. You can't own a Playstation and not have this game.

What I liked about this game: Practically everything.

Things the game could've done without: An Item usage mechanic that makes you have to equip your items to use them. This is remedied in recent Castlevania games.