Hands down the best Castlevania ever

User Rating: 10 | Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (PSOne Books) PS
This is the only PS1 game I still have. There are two reasons for that:

1) I can't find Intelligent Qube for under $100.00, and
2) It was the best game to ever grace that system.

This was an instant classic. I thought I enjoyed the series before on the NES/SNES/Genesis, but this takes the cake. Not only is the music perfect, and the controls worked on a dime, but the story was enthralling, the voice over work was actually good, and the game itself....ohhhh.

Introducing a deep RPG-esque system, you were able to upgrade your swords, buy new weapons, food, armor, cloaks...you name it, you could buy it. Plus, you wanted to fill out every section of the map to make sure that you found every goodie in the castle.

Speaking of which, that was teh best twist in the game. Once you beat the game (or so I thought), there is a cut scene that flips the castle upside down, and now you have to go through it all over again, upside down, with new areas to explore and new enemies!

If you can find it, get it.
