The ultimate castlevania game

User Rating: 9.8 | Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (PSOne Books) PS
Let me begin this review by saying that I've never been very impressed with the castlevania series, mainly because it has typically taken an awesome plot concept and muddled it with poor gameplay. Castlevania SOTN has one of the more unique plots in the series, where the player takes control of a young vampire named Alucard. The enemy in this game is the same as it always has been, so really, you won't miss playing as a member of the Belmont family In regards to the style of gameplay, this is a 2-D platform game. It draws a similar parallel to metroid prime for the SNES, by having an all-encompassing territory to play in, with different regions and zones. The game is perhaps the best 2-D platformer ever created, as it incorporates RPG elements directly into the mix: Alucard gains strength and hit points as his level increases. Experience is earned by defeating enemies. Also, throughout the game Alucard will get a number of weapons and items with unique characteristics. The graphics in this game work very well with the style. There are many types of enemies, and Alucards moves are well animated...weapons are also represented well in this very large game. This soundtrack for this game is phenomenal, with driving theme music dependent upon the area that you're in... I know that it's a dated game at this point, but if you have a playstation, pick this game up, its one the underrated gems out there!