Great fun though not exactly frightening.

User Rating: 8 | Castlevania PS2
Castlevania has been a series I have followed ever since the SNES days. I've played every one up to date, with the exception of some of the ones on the hand held systems. This game, though it had none of the horror I had hoped for, was great fun.

You're a knight whose given up title, rank, and honor to seek your girlfriend who has been captured by Dracula. You enter the castle and are forced to battle hordes of enemies in an attempt to save her.

Game play was fun and magic relics added a nice touch to the game. One thing that mad me sad was the fact that the game lacked atmosphere. Though monsters were in no short supply the atmospheres were weak in richness and monsters became too mundane to be viewed as worth while.

Despite this its a great game that's well worth playing and, if it suits you, owning but don't go in with the expectations of feeling even a slight pulse of adrenalin.