Gets way too much slack for it's shortcomings.

User Rating: 4 | Castle Crashers X360
Now, before you fanboys grab your torches and pitchforks, I want to ask that you at least hear me out. Barring that you're 13 and extraordinarily immature, this is a humorless, generic, bland, and very obnoxious game with nearly nothing going for it. It sold on word of mouth, and I mean the hype train was rolling full steam and there was nothing that would stop the usual fanboy garbage from flipping out no matter how corny this game eventually turned out to be.

Reasonably, as a fighting game, this hardly functional, noisy, oddly constructed mess appears to want to stand out from the rest of the brawlers. It goes as far as adding what some have mistaken for "RPG elements", which is woefully untrue, and attempts to appeal to the kid in us with a radically overused fart sound effect and a lot of humor that likely appeals to the sort of people that frequent anonymous message boards just to get their 'image of guy stretching his rectal opening as wide as a football' fix.

Aside fro reveling in immaturity on a level that makes even people that crave that kind of thing cringe, you get a plethora of transparent attempts at padding out a game with things it didn't need. Experience points, for example, which allow for leveling up, increasing stats, collecting pets and weapons. Sure this may sound good on paper, but in practice it takes a game that should have been a more action oriented experience and makes it a 'grind until bored' fiasco. Earning experience points doesn't automatically make a game a RPG, if you think that you're a bigger fool than the folks that laughed when the deer pooped through an entire boss sequence (I'm not kidding, it's in there as *ugh* humor). There's literally no story, things are just happening and you're just in there, making assumptions, filling in the blanks for yourself, which pretty much goes against all RPG conventions.

The shallow fighting mechanic is the largest disappointment of all. Having played games that offered a deeper style of play in the 80s, this game feels at it best, fledgling. The developers could have done something more with what they'd had, or at the very least substituted some of the pooping or farting with something a bit more creative for humor's sake, but instead they decided to make something that would make most five year old kids giggle while the grown ups cringe.

I could go on about how bad this game actually is, but I won't because while it's not really all that bad, it's not even good enough to ring average with me. I did enjoy the art direction, and some of the jokes or pop-culture references were pretty funny, but that doesn't offer enough to save a game that has me nodding off while I replay a stage for the 10th time to level up enough to progress to the next area without being savagely beaten by enemies that love to spam ranged attacks just so I can enjoy bouncing around the screen until I die.

Okay, I've said my piece, fanboys can go ahead and lynch me as fanboys do to anyone that doesn't think, breathe, eat, and love everything they do with exactly the same fervor; the pathetic sods.