Carcassonne Design Excellent and Live Feature Sweet

User Rating: 9 | Carcassonne X360
First of all I have to disclose that I love the board game and have played it often with my family. I was really looking forward to playing it on the 360. What I truly like about it on the console is the quickness of the gameplay compared to sitting around a table and the ability to play online with Xbox Live. The graphics are excellent and the design and play features are well placed. The real board game is more conducive to communication and family interaction then the Xbox 360 game version but that comes with the territory.

The only feature I like to see added is something that would be good for many Xbox Live games which is surrender or quit feature that allows the score to be calculated. This would be helpful for rankings and good for a situation where someone is being spanked or needs to leave a game early. The Live features allow for competitive play and it is truly amazing to play with people around the world.