Captain America and the Avengers was one of my favorite arcade games growing up. And Boy was it rare to find.

User Rating: 7.6 | Captain America and the Avengers SNES
The arcade game was so fun that i had to get the game for the snes. The only problem was that it felt like it was missing something. The arcade feel of this game is still present, but it doesnt match up. Even saying this it is still a good game. Where else can you play charracters like Iron Man and Hawkeye. ( i never knew what the white guy was :) didnt remember him in the comics ) In all do respect the game is good not great. The sound gets very annoying. Every TIme you get hit its another " NO NO NO" sound your character makes. And that boss you keep seeing and his terrible" bahahaha" laugh . This game still leaves you with memories so i gave it a decent score.