One thing wrong with this game, it wasn't made my Treyarch

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: WWII PC

Treyarch didn't get this game to make, which is a shame as they'd have made a good version of it.

The developers behind this completely awful piece of excrement really didn't care for the genre, nor did they bat an eyelid when people recommended things which would make the game bad.

The good


It's call of duty and it's called WW2.

The campaign resembles certain historical locations

The graphics can be good at times

The bad


It's a call of duty game made by sledgehammer games : (

The graphics could be a lot better

The campaign has so many historical changes it may as well be fiction

The multiplayer

The auto aim (may as well be cheating)

Controller users mixed in with Rightful KBM users

The auto aim (may as well be cheating)

Smallest maps ever seen on a COD game

Worst designed maps on any COD game

Non kicking of cheats on any COD game

The auto aim (may as well be cheating)

The lag compensation is pathetic, you tweak your PC to shave milliseconds off your input and you've got your rig perfect, you pay for top tier broadband and you're now ready to fight it out in the latest COD, then you realise some idiot who has 1Mb broadband is owning you, why? Because the game compensates your input so that the lowly 1Mb users can catch up, thus you get shot and you don't know why, this is unforgivable and very noticable.

Flame throwing shotguns? When were these a thing in history?

The worst scorestreaks ever seen on any COD game

the auto aim (may as well be cheating)

The weaponry is again unbalanced and even after several months of nerfing and buffing it's become a mess with no accuracies towards their real life counter parts.

Knives that you couldn't hit a barn door with.

Poor acceleration you can't get rid of within mouse control.

Massive push to try to make the PC version a console version.

The level up system for guns and weapons ie: Headquarters

The menu system, how did this get past a board room meeting?

I really could go on for quite some time but you get the point :)

Probably forgot something but in all fairness this game is by far and away the worst iteration the planet has ever seen, not only should sledgehammer be ashamed of this shoddy workmanship they should never be allowed to make another COD game ever again.

I've got every cod over the years but i will never buy anything besides treyarch ever again, this is a pitiful game, useful only to play the campaign, a total waste of money, a total and utter stale bowl of tripe i wouldn't feed my enemies dog.

Avoid like the plague if you value your COD experience.