Like Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer but not as good.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: World at War X360
Judging from the beta, and keep in mind this review is only of the multiplayer aspect of the game, it is a slightly modified version of the Call of Duty multiplayer. Essentially they have changed around a couple of the perks, added tanks, changed air strikes to artillery strikes, and changed helicopters to dog attacks. These are the essential changes, but also the change of the basic shooting. In Call of Duty 4, the basic weapon choices were almost all automatic, and had easy handling. Most players used the M16, M4 or MP5 as their basic assault class. However, in this game the basic weapons are the Thompson, a very poor-sighted automatic with a small clip, and the Gewehr 43 which is my weapon of choice which is a semi-auto gun which kills with about 3 shots to the body and has very little recoil. How my point here is that the main weapons that will be used are semi-automatic, whereas in CoD4 the only semi-auto was the G3, and even the M16 was burst. So that is a whole new shooting mechanic change, which I find makes the experience a little less enjoyable. It sounds like I am nit-picking, however this game does not play as smoothly as its predecessor and the graphics do not seem to hold up either. While playing each on the same computer on highest settings, World at War didn't stand a chance against CoD4 from a graphical standpoint.

Overall, this game lacks the polish that Modern Warfare had so much of. It is an overall less enjoyable experience partly because of this, and partly because it was created in the shadow of CoD4, a much respected game, and it is apparent that it was tailored to be a WWII experience of CoD4, but ends up seeming like just another mod of the game.