After killing nazis went out of style zombies went in.Now u get both in one game.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: World at War - Zombies IOS
There is said to be the new map soon i think tomarrow.but anyway this is the classic nazi zombies minigame we all loved probably more the the game it's self.And with the one map plus the newer one coming out so so soon you should probably enjoy all this on ur tiny little portable ipod.

Now i said enjoyable even though it doesnt feel as fast paced and REALLY exciting like the real consule versions this is maybe a half step down from them.U really get everything the consule versions put into them plus the new maps are coming out so u really get all of it.EVEN THE 4 PLAYER CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!!!!it also features a wide variety of acheviements to unlock durring your playing time.

Graphics:9.0 (some of the best in the iphone gaming)
Sound:9.0 (great zombie sounds and guns)
Controls:10.0 (dual analog sticks for easiest playing)
Playabillity:8.5 (Once the new maps come out this will probably be a 9.0)

all and all this game is great though expensive at $10.00 and the new map is out for $5.00 it is still great fun on a snow day or rainy day or whatever!Plus who doesnt love zombies all on there ipod touch.And you get the nazi killing and zombie killing.BEST!