Concept, graphics and gameplay awesome. Behind the scenes, the worst game ever.

User Rating: 4 | Call of Duty: Warzone Caldera PC

The good:

  • The concept is amazing, the graphics too. Weapons, the whole gameplay love it.

The frustrating and most annoying part that make this game very very terrible:

  • Hackers everywhere. You don't even know who the good players are anymore. There is no anti-cheat in the game.
  • Glitches that people find and they help them win games + it takes a month or longer to fix them.
  • Errors out of thin air that either kick you out of the game, either can't even open the game or crashes the game that, again take a long time to fix, IF they fix them. They come and go.
  • Some weapons are overpowered and take long time to nerf. Yes, i get it. You want to make money by increasing the power of weapons that are in the cold war title so people want to buy the game and level them up. But this makes the whole experience for all of the others so terrible that either you get the most overpowered gun in the game or you die from it.
  • If your country is not near of their servers and you have let's say the strongest internet for your country which might be 60 mb or even 100, your ping still stays around 75ms-80 while if you were near a server it could go 30ms. The ping for you who don't know is one of the factors that could get you killed or kill the other player. The fps is another reason too but the fps has to do with your platform/pc/monitor. So the game in my opinion is so unfair because instead of putting you with people who have the same ping as you do, it puts you randomly and you might encounter people who let's say if you have 80 ping, they might have 29-30 ping. Which that automatically means that whether you are good or not you have a big chance of losing to the low ping guy because he can see you milliseconds faster and react faster which makes your experience of the game not fun and even if you struggle and sweat to get better the ping is probably one of the reasons that you'll stay where you are.
  • Zero customer support. I didn't even bother sending them a message because i know they won't even reply so i always check reddit and other guys who play it about common problems.

So in conclusion i really love this game, i really do. It has so much potential to grow even more and take over the other games out there easily. BUT at the same time i really hate it, i get frustrated over it, i even noticed that my mood changes from calm to angry when i play this game for all of the reasons mentioned and am about to give up on it. They care so much about earning money that they put out there different bundles in the store, they rush to create new content, new maps, new new new. But they forgot about the basics. How can you enjoy a game full of hackers, glitches, errors, flaws, unfairness?

The main reason a lot of people are still playing the game, me included is either because of friends, hacks, they have good connection and they are good at it, because it's "free" and because if you forget about the second part of my review the game is just amazing.

Don't hate the game, hate the developers. Basically don't hate on anyone. Not worth it.

The reason of this review is firstly to express myself and calm down from the frustration this game has caused me and second to prepare you guys who wonder if it's worth it or not.