It was a good game, but to me The only reason to get it, is for its multiplayer.

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Its campaign was decent and very easy to beat, but it did not have the same feel as modern warfare 2..... but I guess its not supposed to be. Modern warfare 2 was just so good that my expectations were very high. The Campaign in this was a let down, and the series and cast were dragged out way to long. So campaign kinda sucks in my opinion haha. But Multiplayer is where it is at!!! its fast, fluid gameplay, and is my all time favorite game for FPS multiplayer. They just managed to make the perfect multiplayer shooter! They also had all my favorite guns and added some new tech gear as well, I also really liked the killstreak classes or whatever they are called, but that was for sure a great add to the game, And also more perks too! So overall the game was good but besides multiplayer, I felt they should've ended the series at Modern Warfare 2